1 /*
  2 * Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Nonki Takkahashi. All rights reserved.
  3 *
  4 * History:
  5 *  0.2 2014-01-09 Interface changed and method sq, sp are added.
  6 *  0.1 2013-06-26 Created. Ported from GoSimulator03.smallbasic .
  7 */
  9 /**
 10  * @fileOverview Lex - Lexical Analyzer Object
 11  * @version 0.2
 12  * @author Nonki Takahashi
 13  */
 15 const DIGIT0 = 48;
 16 const DIGIT9 = 57;
 17 const UPPERA = 65;
 18 const UPPERZ = 90;
 19 const LOWERA = 97;
 20 const LOWERZ = 122;
 22 /**
 23  * Lexical Analyzer Object
 24  * @class Represents Lexical Analyzer Object
 25  * @this {Lex}
 26  * @param {String} src source string to analyze
 27  * @since 0.1
 28  */
 29 function Lex(src) {
 30 	Source.call(this, src);
 31 };
 33 Lex.prototype = new Source();
 35 Lex.prototype.constructor = Lex;
 37 /**
 38  * Analyze Digit
 39  * @return {String} digit if matched, null if not matched
 40  * @since 0.2
 41  */
 42 Lex.prototype.digit = function() {
 43 	var code = this.buf.charCodeAt(this.ptr);
 44 	if (DIGIT0 <= code && code <= DIGIT9)
 45 		return this.buf.charAt(this.ptr++);
 46 	else
 47 		return null;
 48 };
 50 /**
 51  * Analyze Upper Case Character
 52  * @return {String} character if matched, null if not matched
 53  * @since 0.2
 54  */
 55 Lex.prototype.upper = function() {
 56 	var code = this.buf.charCodeAt(this.ptr);
 57 	if (UPPERA <= code && code <= UPPERZ)
 58 		return this.buf.charAt(this.ptr++);
 59 	else
 60 		return null;
 61 };
 63 /**
 64  * Analyze Lower Case Character
 65  * @return {String} character if matched, null if not matched
 66  * @since 0.2
 67  */
 68 Lex.prototype.lower = function() {
 69 	var code = this.buf.charCodeAt(this.ptr);
 70 	if (LOWERA <= code && code <= LOWERZ)
 71 		return this.buf.charAt(this.ptr++);
 72 	else
 73 		return null;
 74 };
 76 /**
 77  * Given Character
 78  * @param {Char} cChar given character
 79  * @return {String} character if matched, null if not matched
 80  * @since 0.2
 81  */
 82 Lex.prototype.ch = function(cChar) {
 83 	if (this.buf.charAt(this.ptr) == cChar) {
 84 		this.ptr++;
 85 		return cChar;
 86 	} else
 87 		return null;
 88 };
 90 /**
 91  * Analyze Single Quote
 92  * @return {String} single quote if matched, null if not matched
 93  * @since 0.2
 94  */
 95 Lex.prototype.sq = function() {
 96 	return this.ch("'");
 97 };
 99 /**
100  * Analyze Space
101  * @return {String} space if matched, null if not matched
102  * @since 0.2
103  */
104 Lex.prototype.sp = function() {
105 	var match = false;
106 	while (this.ch(" ") || this.ch("\t") || this.ch("\n")) {
107 		match = true;
108 	}
109 	if (match)
110 		return " ";
111 	else
112 		return null;
113 };